Friday, March 20, 2009

Promoting Pre-emptive Security for Global Peace & Propsperity

Global7 the new Millennial Renaissance Vision for the Globe
Our Passion to reach our individual and collective potential!

Global Pre-emptive Security Strategy will Promote Prosperity and Peace!

Fundamental challenge of our time. The recent pre-occupation with the war on terror and Global Financial Crisis and persistent insecurity that is being generated in the Horn and Middle East and around the globe is the most fundamental challenge of our time.

Terrorizing the gateway to global commerce. The Horn is the gateway to commerce, diplomacy and cultural connection of the West and East. The shipping lanes of the Red Sea Coast have been the link of the Eastern, Western civilizations for generations. The hominid remain finds of “Lucy and Selam” are living testimony of the cultural heritage of the region to the world.

The Center of human and cultural diversity in crisis. The Horn is the reservoir of the human and cultural diversity of the world where the classical Judaic, Christian and Muslim cultures meet the Global 21st Century Millennium challenges.

The epicenter of the Horn is Addis Ababa which is the hot seat of an active diplomatic community and international partnerships for peace and prosperity and the world and especially Africa cannot afford suicide bombers or street smart hooligans to create havoc in the region perpetually under any pretext be it religious, ethnic and economic crisis. Surely, Pre-emptive security, military and diplomatic action is critically needed to make security and prosperity the real agenda of our time.

The upcoming G20 Conference in London is designed to address the global economic crisis but fails to look at the root cause of all global insecurity. The economic terrorists are no different than the social and political terrorists. The stories of Bernstein Ma doff, AIG and other high risk alternative hedge fund and shady banking dealers are not different from the Taliban and AlQaeda except the suit they wear and the office and bush environment they operate on. They are all criminals trying their very best not be caught but creating bubbles of insecurity and terror all around them.

Managing risk and insecurity. The process of managing risk and insecurity is all the same. Create an environment of transparency and accountability and Good Practice policies that need to be prioritized on a daily and weekly basis with appropriate productivity reports and performance evaluations.

Imagine paying bonuses for failed executives who sank their respective companies and giving political and diplomatic recognition for known terrorists is beyond any explanation. Our response should be relevant and appropriate all the time. Remember: the terrorists and economic busters all take great risks at the expense of the majority public who are not able to make them accountable.

Lessons from the past. Insecurity both at personal and community as well as global level has become a common phenomenon. In the past we had to deal with social and economic insecurity from different perspective.

This has taken different forms at different times in history. The most recent ones are the insecurity created by the Cold War and Colonialism as well as the religious wars of Crusades and Jihad which are evolving into another challenge of out time. We are now observing the same elements of insecurity and terror evolving in our midst today.

The Medical Science world has a process of problem identification and solution creation by looking at what is referred to cause and effect or to use the scientific terms: ethiogensis, pathogenesis and diagnosis, therapeutics and prophylaxis as well as prognosis while looking at cause, process, identification, and treatment protocols and then looking at expected outcome of the process.

The current world insecurity and terror demands all the resources at our disposal to understand the cause, process and impact as well as the prospect into the future.

Ethiogensis. The cause of the world insecurity is not just disparity in wealth and resources but also the challenges of globalization and its capacity to galvanize resources at its disposal across continents and cultures without any transparency and accountability. Good Governance should be the mantra every where with appropriate tools of its implementation. The fear of this rather successful enterprise is pushing lots of societies to look for alternatives.

Lessons from totalitarian Communism and Uncontrolled Capitalism are the same. The communists tried systematic re-organization and failed. Only the Chinese are fast learning to adopt it. Yesterdays Communist Colonel Hussein Tahir had changed himself to a ruthless war-lord which now converting himself into a Mad Sheikh or Militant Mullah of the Horn calling on Jihad both at his fellow Somalis and Ethiopians every other day.

The cause is a mad man who needs to see the Horn’s Court of Justice if not that of Africa. He and his lieutenants are the cause of the current crisis in the Horn. The Toxic Capitalists like hedge fund managers, the Maddof-ponzi scheme operators and AIG type criminals all flourished because of no transparency and accountability. They found a Black Hole in the legal and financial system which they exploited to its maximum that generated the current crisis. Absolute Economic Power corrupts absolutely!

Pathogenesis. As much as globalization can be beneficial it is also highly wasteful and rather crude in the way it treats the losers. The market is friendly to the winners but rather crude in the way it treats those who do not succeed in managing it. So, the win-lose environment forces the losers to fight back and creating insecurity is one way of coming back at the market and global forces.

In short, the Market needs to be tamed into win-win partnership with all stakeholders such that the less efficient stakeholders can be accommodated in the big picture. The losers find it easy to fight in a defeatist approach rather than in coming back at it in a creative enterprising way. The mad Communist Colonel is fermenting a disgruntled population from a failed state and society into a time bomb for the region.

Diagnosis. Most of today’s Jihadists and fundamentalists or extremist as some refer to them are those who see their way of life being challenged irreversibly and do not want to take it lying down, nor respond to it in a creative way but rather want to fight all the way to their grave. The example of the recent extremist in Somalia declaring Jihad at any opportunity against an enemy that does not exist except in their defeated mind is a case in point. The diagnosis needs to be both realistic and therapeutic.

The real solution is to remove the cancer before it metastasizes every where, in this instance the global economic and social insecurity. Then bring those economic and political cirminas and their respective lieutenants to justice where ever it is found such the African Court of Justice for Africans the Middle East Jihadists in the Middle East and their global collaborators at the Hague. The same analogy can be used for the Market Failure, by the Madoff-Ponzi Scheme operators who continue to reward poor performers and losers even with bail out money as we recently witnessed in the AIG fiasco and others before. It.

Therapeutics. The remedy to the challenge is to involve them in creative partnership that allows them to vent their perspective without allowing them to galvanize resources of destruction by calling on the defeatists from all over the world as it is likely to happen in the current Italianization of the Horn.
The suggestion of some gullible ones like the recent series of articles in is just fanning the blaze and submitting to terror without even put up any resistance. The most successful treatment is to remove the bad apples or cancerous elements of our societies from polluting the clean and healthy elements of our lives.

Creating opportunities for all! The Horn Crisis Group is encouraging defeat instead of giving creative responses by suggesting acquiescing instead of challenge the mad Communist Mullahs who are calling Jihad each time they take the euphoric Chat or Quat of the region which is mainly produced in Ethiopian highlands. Creating an opportunity for all Somalis of the region to communicate and develop an egalitarian system of good governance is key and the Transitional Government needs to be enabled and supported by all concerned.

Prognosis. This is not the first time that the horn had serious challenges to its survival. Environmental and man made crisis has been in effect its daily menu of challenges for the past 30 years. Only the players are changing, not the cause and effect. Fortunately, the global community has invested a lot in the past managing both the environmental and man made crisis and have institutions in place both at African, UN and Global level.

The real challenge is to put these institutions to work and a UN sponsored Security Council and African Union involvement is a must. We cannot ignore the huge elephant in the living room. Face reality and bring Colonel Hussein Tahir and his militant to the Court of justice now. Any delay will empower the sleeping terrorist of the region to resurface again. It is now or never!

Action Plan. First things First! Defend the local vulnerable people of the Horn first and then talk about Good Governance! And Millennium Development Goals. The G20 Global Economic Crisis Conference can only succeed if we treat the root cause of the problem, i.e greed, lack of transparency and accountability and most importantly by making the criminals pay and not reward them with diplomatic and economic recognitions and bonuses! We need to change direction in our value system and the way we treat challenges and opportunities. The secret is how to change every challenge into opportunities.

The challenge is “What is your response and mine is the real question!

Wealth distribution disparity growing
Richest 1 percent own 40 percent of global assets

December 6, 2006

The richest 2 percent of adults still owns more than half of the world's household wealth, perpetuating a yawning global gap between rich and poor, according to research published Tuesday.

The report from the Helsinki-based World Institute for Development Economics Research shows that in 2000 the richest 1 percent of adults -- most of whom live in Europe or the United States -- owned 40 percent of global assets.
The richest 10 percent of adults accounted for 85 percent of assets, the report said.

By contrast, the bottom 50 percent of the world's adult population owned barely 1 percent of the world's wealth.

''Income inequality has been rising for the past 20 to 25 years, and we think that is true for inequality in the distribution of wealth,'' said James Davies, professor of economics at the University of Western Ontario, one of the report's authors.
The gulf between rich and poor nations has long concerned politicians and economists, who say it is one of the biggest obstacles to development.

But Davies said there are some hopeful signs: China and India, which are developing rapidly, are gaining wealth and in countries like Bangladesh, the spread of micro-credit institutions is helping people to increase their personal wealth, he said.
In other countries, land registration programs allow the poor to own land for the first time, he said.

According to the report, individual assets of $2,200 placed an adult in the top half of the world's wealth distribution in 2000.

Those in the richest 10 percent of adults had assets of $61,000 or more while those in the top 1 percent -- who now number 37 million -- had at least $500,000.
Household wealth in 2000 was valued at $125 trillion, equivalent to roughly three times the value of total global production, or to $20,500 per person, the report said.

Average wealth in the United States amounted to $144,000 per person in the year 2000, and $181,000 in Japan, it said.

In India, the figure was just $1,100 and in Indonesia, per ca pita wealth was $1,400.
Wealth is concentrated in North America, Europe and high-income Asia-Pacific countries, with nearly 90 percent, the report said.

Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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