1.1 Visionary leadership for win-win synergistic partnerships for success. Dr Habte-Jesus has a well developed and proven leadership track record, built on strategic visioning, effective communication, efficient implementation strategies and strong team-building skills and competencies to realize a win-win synergistic partnership for success.
1.2 Public Health & Strategic Management Consulting. Dr Habte-Jesus is a public health physician and Strategic Management Consultant with technical expertise in risky assessment, health for all strategies such as improving care and better value, emergency planning, strategic management and improving healthy policy development. His leadership expertise is built on well developed experience excellent analytical skills and in leadership development within the private and public sectors. He has a unique talent for working across traditional and multi-cultural boundaries. He has unique ability in designing incentives and performance management systems with demonstrated improvement in public and private sector enterprises. He has extensive experience in the health and human services, business development, acquisition and merger management, resource generation and management, health information systems, marketing and creative health promotion strategies.
1.3 Strategic Management Enterprises. He has extensive experience in Strategic Management Enterprises towards multicultural community empowerment, leadership of strategic management enterprises, business development, continuous quality improvement, public health, clinical medicine, epidemiology, health information systems. He has specialized expertise in risk assessment, business planning, budget forecasting, tracking and controlling costs, expertise in international health and global health and medicine with specialty in preventing, managing and controlling infectious diseases, research; program development, planning, implementation and evaluation.
1.4 Multicultural Community empowerment. He has well developed expertise in multicultural community empowerment with synergy with established institutions in health and human services as well as the development and promotion of small businesses and non profit organizations that empower community leadership. He has competent written and spoken communication skills with extensive experience in results/performance oriented management, qualitative and quantitative research, business development/management, with excellent interpersonal and organizational skills supported with expertise in organizational leadership, clinical and epidemiological research, strategic marketing, fund raising, health promotion, teaching and multicultural multimedia hosting & comprehensive health promotion radio and television programming and broadcasting experience.
1.5 Practical leadership and training experience. He has proven track record of leadership supported by highly developed organizational and interpersonal skills and training expertise in the area of good governance, win-win synergistic partnerships, health and human services with policy and program development, epidemiology, evaluation and participatory strategic planning and management expertise in health, education, human resources, youth development, mental health, mental retardation, and tropical medicine and infectious diseases, home health hospice services as well as public health prevention services.
1.6 Excellent track record. He is visionary, highly driven, detail and results oriented, self-motivated, team player and highly inspired to solve problems in the short and long term. He believes in developing win-win synergistic partnership among multicultural communities via business enterprises. He has worked as executive officer, director and senior manager with several health and human service institutions in Africa, Asia, Europe and here in North America. His summary experience and additional areas of expertise include:
Visionary leadership and participatory management, empowering civil societies and multicultural communities.
Good governance and globalization and empowering civil societies.; resource development and management
Health Sector Reform and Research: Private, Public and HMO, Managed Care, home health and hospice care.
Strategic Planning, evaluation and sustainable development, policy development and evaluation, extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis, epidemiological research and publication, epidemiology, women’s health, youth development, pediatrics, mother and child health, public speaking, coaching and publications.
Global Health Promotion and prevention and management of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene and Infectious Diseases Management & Control
Reproductive health, STI/HIV/PTSD and Child development, health, population and nutrition, prevention and early intervention programs, i.e. TB, Malaria, HIV/STD, etc.
Quality assurance, (CQI) evaluation and managing change, Good Practice and Policy and Procedures, Business Plans and Strategies
Managing Change, Behavioral research, multicultural holistic and integrated health enterprises
Behavioral Science, Mother and Child Health, mental health and mental retardation services, Regional Minority Health, HIV/AIDS Services
Designing incentives and performance management system.
Managing a LifeStarts at community empowerment zones at East Capitol Center for Change
Grant Reviewer/Evaluator, Business plan, contract negotiation, strategic multimedia communication, teaching and multicultural community empowerment radio broadcasting, conference planning/chairing and dissemination of evidence based information.
1.7Leadership Skills and expertise. His leadership skill is based on character, integrity, commitment, compassion and with win-win synergistic partnership and team building expertise. He has excellent interpersonal and communication skills with qualitative and quantitative research, health information systems, clinical evaluation, continuous quality improvement and quality assurance expertise, teaching, policy and business development, program management, marketing, strategic planning, visioning, and negotiation skills.
Multi-Media Computer/Internet Communications. Highly developed written and spoken communication skills with competency in Health Information Systems as well as Microsoft Office 2007, 2000, Power Point, Excel, Corel WordPerfect 9 Suite, Experience in the Windows Vista Ultimate environment, Epi-Info, Mednotes, Medisoft, VisiTrack, HomeSolutions, CDC Wonder, SAS, SPSSX, Harvard Graphics, Multi-media Internet communication and contract development and negotiation skills.
Multi-Media Communications skills in vision, voice and data presentation using television, radio and print media: program development, marketing and production and broadcasting. He is fluent in English, Amharic, and Oromifa languages with working knowledge of French, Arabic, Hindi and Tigrinya.
2.1 Academic Merit Scholarship: Master of Public Health. Master of Public health for medical doctors (1986); International Merit Scholarship with special commendation for research, University of Leeds, School of Public Health, United Kingdom, Great Britain. Concentration in epidemiology, health services research, management sciences population, and nutrition, mother and child health with a focus on international medicine and infectious diseases. He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical medicine and Hygiene and Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health.
2.2 Academic Merit Scholarship: Medical Doctor. (1983) General medicine training with specialty in public health and child development and survival, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, South India, University of Madras.
2.3 Awards: Distinction for Dissertation. “Evaluation of Mother and Child Health Services in Developing and Developed Countries with a Retrospective Infant and Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality Studies.” September 1986.
2.4 Academic Awards: The Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award- for the Best Outgoing Student, May 1972
2.5 Service Achievement Awards: Certificate of Distinguished Achievement, LifeStarts @ East Capitol Center for Change, Washington, DC, USA. Sep 2003.
2.6 Service Achievement Awards: Bitwoded of the Imperial Solomonic Crown Without Borders, May 2000
2.7 Ambassador for Peace, Universal Peace Federation, Seoul, South Korea, February 2006
2.8, Chairperson of Partners for Peace and Prosperity, Washington, DC, USA. January 2007.
Sample achievements over the last five years
1. Director of Continuous Quality Improvement and Strategic Business Development, Human Touch, Inc, 100 N Washington, St, Suite 410, Falls Church, Virginia, 22046; T: 703.531.05340, P: 703.531.0540
1.1 Responsibilities. Lead the development, acquisition and expansion of prevention and early intervention based Home Health Care, Home Hospice and Wellness and Rehabilitation Center in the Metropolitan Washington DC area. Prepare the research material and develop training and supervision of staff in establishing the centers. Provide leadership in Quality Assurance by developing qualitative and quantitative tools for measuring performance and results.
1.2 Achievements. Initiated and executed successfully the negotiation process of acquiring Capitol View Home Health previously owned by Howard University Hospital. Prepared the acquisition strategic plan, developed the strategic documents for converting a non profit organization to for profit organization by developing a Certificate of Need and defending the plan with Department of Public Health facilitated public hearing.
1.3 Achievements. Developed a series of thriving Home Health Care agencies and prepared the necessary certification, acquisition, and accreditation documents with appropriate staff recruitment, training and performance management tools and quality assurance protocol. Re-organized and centralized the marketing, intake and billing process of the different organizations under one roof and developed strategies for expansion
1.4 Achievements. Successful implemented corporate wide Quality Improvement Protocol towards successful Accreditation by the Joint Commission for Accreditation of Health Care Organizations for four area home health care organizations. Organized Infection Control Policy and Procedure and trained skilled professionals on how to deal with infections such as MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infections in the home care setting. Accessing health information systems such as Med soft, VisiTrack and Scan health soft wares for managing patient information.
2 Clinical Program Director, Carl Vogel Center, 1012, 14th Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005; Ph: 202 638 0750 ext 18, Fax: 202 638.0749; E-mail: rogramdirector@carlvogelcenter.org
2.1. Responsibilities. Lead and manage a team of medical doctors, psychologist, mental health specialist, HIV Specialists, medical nutritional therapists, mental health specialists, case managers an marketing/outreach workers. Develop key result areas, set up primary medical HIV clinic, certificate of need, Medicaid/Medicare eligibility, Clinical policies and procedures, HIV work plan, Continuous Quality Improvement, Medical Record System (Med Soft and Mednotes), integrated and comprehensive system of care, clinical personnel issues, manage and chair weekly Clinical Management Team Meetings and Multi-Disciplinary Case Conferences, medical billing system and HIPPA compliance.
2.2. Achievement. Organized and set up a functioning HIV Primary Medial Care System with appropriate secondary and tertiary referral systems. Developed and submitted Certificate of Need for Primary Medical Care Developed a business proposal for HRSA Capacity Building Grant, developed organizational network for improved governance for board development, MIS and financial accounting system that synchronizes with clinical care protocol, medical records, billing and continuous quality improvement protocol for Primary HIV Care (Prevention, Early Intervention, Therapy and Rehabilitation, etc).
3. Director, Comprehensive Care II, Inc. October 2003+ @ 337 Delafield Place, NW, Washington, DC 20011, Voice: 202 291 2586; Fax: 202 291 3104; e-mail: Globalbelai@yahoo.com
3.1. Responsibilities. Direct a team of over 40 professionals including doctors, psychologists, nurses, social workers, case managers, and qualified mental health professionals, residential counselors to provide an individualized care plan that includes habilitation and behavior support plan (ISP, BSP) for over 30 consumers of wide range of age groups and behavioral challenges with a mix of disabilities from mild to profound residing in 6 homes in Washington DC.
3.2. Accomplishments. Undertook a comprehensive needs assessment and SWOT analysis that looks at the strength, weakness, and opportunities and threats both at internal and external environments. Developed an extensive five years Human Care Agreement for Residential and Respite Services with appropriate budget and negotiated with the Government of the District of Columbia, DHS/Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities Administration.
3.3 Accomplishments. Directed a team of professionals to ensure a highly organized services that allowed the re-certification of six group homes with appropriate compliment of health and human services for ICFMR facilities. Prepared regular monthly training with an up-to-date training manual to professionals on a holistic approach in improving the safety and well being of consumers with mental health and mental retardation challenges.
4 Director of Strategic Development & Quality Assurance -Human Touch, Inc. May 2002 4600 King Street, Suite 4R, Alexandria, VA, 22302, Voice: 703 379 2526; Fax: 703 379 5010.
4.1. Responsibilities. Responsible for strategic marketing, business development and organization of the marketing and business development of a health and human services agency providing home health care services to vulnerable communities who cannot access primary and secondary care services due to physical limitations. Initiated and developed free standing home health care, home hospice and wellness and rehabilitation outpatient centers in the Metropolitan Washington DC area.
4.2. Achievements. Undertook a comprehensive needs assessment and proposal development towards improving the internal and external market share of the agency towards establishing a strong presence in the Northern Virginia and Washington DC area.
4.3 Achievements. Developed successful proposals and presentations for a Certificate of Need Application for Home Health Care, Home Hospice Care and Capitol Wellness and Rehabilitation Centers in the Metropolitan Washington DC area. and made several contacts that yielded profitable contracts with health providers, insurance agencies such as Aetna, Care First, Blue Cross Blue Shield, MAMSI, Options, National Capital Health Care and other agencies.
1. Habte-Jesus, Belai et .al: Evaluation of Mother and Child Health Services in Developing and
Developed Countries- Evaluating the Global Burden of Childhood Morbidity and Mortality with Perinatal Mortality Studies on work done between 1977-1986, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, Great Britain., September 1986.
2. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et.al: North East Thames Regional Health Authority: Good Practice Policy
Guidelines for higher Specialties (Neurology and Neurosciences, Cardiology and Cardio-thoracic Services, East Nose and Throat, Ophthalmology, Oral and Dental Services, Renal Services, Accident and Emergency, Pediatrics and Genetic Services, etc. (Work done between 1988-1993). London, England, United Kingdom, Great Britain.
3. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et al, (Clapp & Mayne, Inc) Interactive Communication Diary—A flexible
health information system to assist patient-provider communication with appropriate data sets for
Institutional, patient – physician health information communication system. A Proposal for NIH
Funded Innovative Small Business Research Grant. June 1997.
4. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Presenter at the National Council for International Health 24th Annual
Conference: The impact of HIV on future work force- Building Strategic Alliances, Washington,
DC. July 1997.
5. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Presenter “Education for Empowerment in the 21st Century Development” at
African Institute for Education and Development Inc, July 1996
6. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Letter of Advocacy to Bill Clinton, President of the United States regarding US
Africa Policy: Re: Pre-empting the Impending Rwanda Genocide: July 1997.
7. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Protocols for Evaluating HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs in Washington
DC May 1996.
8. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et.al. Initiating Roll Back Malaria, Lessons learned from USAID Malaria
Prevention and Control Program, Academy for Educational Development and USAID, Africa Bureau, March 1997.
9. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Innovative Community AIDS Education for African American Men and
Women with a focus on the special needs of women, July 1997.
10. Habte-Jesus, Belai et. al: Health Needs Assessment of African-Born Residents in the
Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area, ECDC, August 1999.
11. Habte-Jesus, et. al: Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children, A collaboration Program of the
DC Linkage and Tracking System, Office of Maternal and Child Health Systems Development
Initiative and the American Academy of Pediatrics: Accessing a “Primary Health Care Home
through Case Management, May 1994.
12. Habte-Jesus, et. al: Parenting Education as a foundation for prevention and early intervention
of future PVO Child Survival Program, December 1996.
13. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et. al. Cradle to Grave Health Care Reform n the USA: An idea whose time
has come. The White House Health Care Reform Task Force, April 1993
14. Habte-Jesus, Belai. A holistic approach in improving the safety and well being of consumers
with mental health and mental retardation challenges, September 2004
15. Habte-Jesus, et. al. Capacity Building Initiative for HIV Primary Care Services with a focus on
Infrastructure development via improved Governance, MIS/Financial System and
Continuous Quality Improvement System, April 2005.
16. Habte-Jesus, Belai, “Empowering civil societies series” - Shifting Paradigm of Global Good
Governance, the changing role of stakeholders and advocates, Diaspora Dialogue IV, George
Washington University Law School, May 2005- Chaired the conference as well as prepared key note
17. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et. al; Organizing Global Partnership for Peace, Democracy and Prosperity
by Empowering Civil Societies Across the Globe to combat poverty and global terrorism.. July 2005
18. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et. al. Multicultural community empowerment via Multi-Media Broadcast
Network. Weekly Empowerment Radio Broadcasts; on 1390 AM: Immune wise living series
addressing cradle to grave optimal health issues from spiritual, emotional, psychological and
physical health perspective, Began in 1996 and ongoing. Host of “Voice of the Patriots”, focusing
on the synergy of Education, Ecology and Economy for win-win cross cultural partnerships-
Millennial Renaissance Network of Hager-Fikir Multi-Cultural Communications, Inc.
19. Habte-Jesus, Belai, Institutional Challenges of Good Governance, Globalization and
Millennium Development Goals in 21st Century Transitional Economies, the experience of the
Horn and Ethiopia. Ethiopia: Beyond the Current Crisis Symposium at Washington Times Building,
Wednesday, 14 December 2005: 15:00-18:00 Hrs organized by Voice of the Patriots, Voice of Reason,
United Press International, Ambassadors for Peace Program& World Media Association.
20. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et. Al; Unique lessons in developing modern primary care centers in the
Metropolitan Washington, DC area. January 2000.
21. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et, al,. Lessons from establishing modern home health services and
Accreditation with Joint Commission on Health Organizations. September 2004
22. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et, The experience of developing modern home hospice services in the
Metropolitan Washington DC area. March 2005
23. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et.al., The unique experience of developing a modern primary health care
center and outpatient rehabilitation facility in the Metropolitan Washington, DC area. December
24. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et.al. Millennial Challenges Series: the HIV Pandemic, Atherosclerosis and
Diabetes Pandemic-the new emerging disease of the new Millennium. Review of current literature at
www.globalbelai4u.blogspot.com; 25 September 2007,.
25. Habte-Jesus, Belai. et.al., Risk Management- Managing safety, security and sentinel events in the home
health care setting and integration of the Joint Commission 2008 Patient Safety Goals within Human
Touch Quality Improvement Protocol and In-Service Training Schedule for 2007/8.; 19 September
1. Director- Strategic Business Development & Continuous Quality Improvement- Human Touch 2005+
2. Director -Community of Hope Health Services & Community Medical Care Health Services- 2000+
3. Director of Community Health Center- Non Profit Clinic Consortium, www.npcclinics.org,
4. Director of Health Services @ Ethiopian Community Development Council 1999 - 2000
5. Consultant trainer at Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area 1998 - 1999
6. Consultant USAID-Africa Bureau and Academy for Educational Development, 1997 - 1998
7. Senior Public Health Advisor, Clap & Mayne, Inc. 1997 - 1998
8. Executive Director of Professional Network Group, 1511 K Street, NW, Suite 949; 1995 - 1997
9. Consultant with Basics Partnership for Child Survival Health Inc. 1996 - 1997
10. Administrator of Family and Maternal Enhancement of Koba Associates, Inc 1994 - 1995
11. Assistant Director, At-risk Children (0-8) -DC Commission of Public Health 1993 - 1994
12. Lecturer -Master of Public Health Program, George Washington University Hospital, DC 1993 - 1995
13. CEO, Global Research and Development Enterprises, Washington, DC 1993+
14. Manager, Health Services Development, NE Thames Regional Health Authority, UK 1989 -1993
15. Lecturer & Public health manager, St. Mary’s Hospital, SW Thames Regional Health Authority 1988/89
16. Coordinator, Kent Council on Addiction, South East Thames Regional Health Authority, 1987/88
17. Senior Fellow and Residence at the William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, Kent, England 1986/87
18. Research Fellow at Master of Public Health Program, University of Leeds, UK. 1985 -1986
19. Senior Resident at St Joseph Hospital New Delhi and Christian Medical College, Vellore. 1984 -1985
20. Medical Education and Residency Program, Christian Medical College, Vellore. 1977 -19 84
21. Premedical education and national development campaign, Haile Selassie University. 1973 - 1977
1. Best outgoing student at Bedenno Elementary School (First in each class in each grade (1-8) 1964 - 72
2. Haile Selassie I Gold Medal for Distinction in Ethiopian School Leaving Certificates- 1972
3. The Bausch & Lomb Science Award for the Best Outgoing Student of Class of 72
(First in each class in each Semester for grades 9-12.) 1972
4. Merit Scholarship to undertake Pre-Medical Studies at Haile Selassie I University- 1973-1976
5. Merit Scholarship to study medicine by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations- 1976-1985
6. Merit Scholarship- Advanced Degree of Public Health for Medical Doctors, University of Leeds 1986
7. Fellow of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1986
8. Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health, London, England. 1986
9. Highest Commendations for MPH thesis: Evaluating Global Mother and Child Health Services, 1986
10. Grand Cross of St Mary of Zion Order- Imperial Order of Solomonic Crown without Borders, 2001
11. Grand Cross Lion of Judah Order. Imperial Order of Solomonic Crown Without Border s, 2000+
12. Grand cross of the Imperial Order of Menelik, Order of Solomonic Crown Without Borders 2000+
13. Chancellor of Imperial Solomonic Enterprises& Bitwoded of the Imperial Solomonic Crown Without Borders 2000+
14. Board Member, Immigration and Refugee Services of America, Mental Health Initiatives 1999
15. Board Member, DC Care Consortium of Providers serving HIV/AIDS populations, 2000+
16. Board Member, Community Medical Care- Non Profit Clinic, DC 2000
17. Advisory Board Member, Ethiopian American Constituency Foundation 2005
18. Ambassador for Peace, Universal Peace Federation, Oct 2005 2005
19. Host of “Voice of the Patriots” A Global Multicultural Broadcasting Corporation 2005
20. Founder and CEO of Global Strategic Enterprises, Inc 1983
......"Documenting innovation, science, communication and creativity for posterity"..... Belai Habte-Jeuss, MD, MPH

Sunday, July 23, 2006
Globalbelai7 Profile
Advocating Seven Principles of Strategic Management and Risk Assessment with the Synergy of the Seven Disciplines of 7Es;
Global Strategic Enterprises 4 Peace & Propsperity
Partners for Peace and Prosperity (PPP)
Globalbelai7 Institutes
Overview of Experience
Public health & Strategic Management Consulting. Dr Habte-Jesus is a public health physician and Strategic Management Consultant with technical expertise in creative leadership development, strategic management, qualitative and quantitative evaluation methodologies with well developed experience of operational leadership development in health and human services, business development, resource generation, marketing & management enterprises.
He has extensive experience in public health communication, clinical medicine, epidemiology, global health, population, nutrition and Infectious diseases, evaluation research, program development, planning, implementation and monitoring.
Dr Belai H Jesus has competent written and spoken communication skills with extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative research, with excellent interpersonal and organizational skills supported with expertise in clinical and epidemiological research, strategic marketing, fund raising, health promotion, teaching and multicultural multimedia hosting & health promotion radio and television programming and broadcasting experience.
Practical leadership and training experience. He has proven track record of leadership supported by highly developed organizational and interpersonal skills and training expertise in the area of good governance, win-win synergistic partnerships, health and human services with policy and program development, epidemiology, evaluation and participatory strategic planning and management expertise in health, education, human resources, youth development, mental health, mental retardation, and tropical medicine and infectious diseases, home health hospice services as well as public health prevention services.
Excellent track record. He is visionary, highly driven, detail and results oriented, self-motivated, team player and highly inspired to solve problems in the short and long term. He has worked as executive officer, director and senior manager with several health and human services in the Metropolitan Washington DC area over the past ten years with similar experiences in Europe, Asia and Africa. Additional areas of expertise include:
à Visionary leadership and participatory management, empowering civil societies
à Good governance and globalization and empowering civil societies.; resource development and management
à Health Sector Reform and Research: Private, Public and HMO, Managed Care, home health and hospice care.
à Strategic Planning, evaluation and sustainable development, policy development and support, extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis, epidemiological research and publication, epidemiology, women’s health, youth development, pediatrics, mother and child health, public speaking, coaching and publications.
à Tropical Medicine & Hygiene and Infectious Diseases Management & Control
à Reproductive health, STI/HIV/PTSD and Child development, health, population and nutrition, prevention and early intervention programs, i.e. TB, Malaria, HIV/STD, etc.
à Quality assurance, evaluation and managing change, Good Practice and Policy and Procedures, Business Plans and Strategies
à Managing Change, Behavioral research, multicultural holistic and integrated health enterprises
à Behavioral Science, mental health and mental retardation services, Regional Minority Health, HIV/AIDS Services
à Grant Reviewer/Evaluator, Multimedia teaching and radio broadcasting, Conference planning/chairing and dissemination of evidence based information.
Skills and expertise. He believes in character, integrity, professionalism, quality, results based management and commitment with win-win synergy for common shared value and leadership.
He has excellent interpersonal and communication skills with qualitative and quantitative research, clinical evaluation, continuous quality improvement and quality assurance expertise, teaching, policy and business development, program management, marketing, strategic planning, visioning, and negotiation skills. Highly developed written and spoken communication skills with competency in Microsoft Office 2003, 2000, Power Point, Excel, Corel WordPerfect 9 Suite, Epi-Info, CDC Wonder, SAS, SPSSX, Harvard Graphics, Multi-media Internet communication and contract development and negotiation skills. Multi-Media Communications skills in vision, voice and data presentation using television, radio and print media: Program development, marketing and production and broadcasting.
He is fluent in English, Amharic, Oromifa languages with working knowledge of French, Arabic, Hindi and Tigrinya.
Research , Awards and Educational Background
Academic Merit Scholarship: Master of Public Health. Master of Public health for medical doctors (1986); International Merit Scholarship with special commendation for research, University of Leeds, School of Public Health, United Kingdom, Great Britain. Concentration in epidemiology, health services research, management sciences population, and nutrition, mother and child health with a focus on international medicine and infectious diseases.
Academic Merit Scholarship: Medical Doctor. (1983) General medicine nad General Surgery training with specialty in public health and child development and survival, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, South India, University of Madras.
Awards: Distinction for Dissertation. “Global Evaluation of Mother and Child Health Services in Developing and Developed Countries with a Retrospective Infant and Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality Studies.” September 1986.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, England, Great Britain, since 1986.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health and Hygiene, London, England, Great Britain, since 1986.
Chancellor, Imperial Solomonic Crown Without Borders, 2000, London, England, Great Britain
Ambassador for Peace, Universal Peace Federation, February, 2005, Seoul, South Korea.
Management, Administration and Technical Assistance Expertise
I. Director of Quality Assurance and Strategic Business Development, Human Touch, Inc
100 N Washington, St, Suite 410, Falls Church, Virginia, 22046; T: 703.531.05340, P: 703.531.0540
Responsibilities. Lead the development and expansion of Home Health Care, Home Hospice and Wellness and Rehabilitation Center in the Metropolitan Washington DC area. Prepare the research material and develop Certificate of Need, Policy and Procedure documents and make negotiations with government Board of Licensing and Certifications. Prepare the institutions for accreditation by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Services, Provide recruitment, training and supervision of staff in establishing the centers. Provide leadership in Quality Assurance by developing qualitative and quantitative tools for measuring performance and results.
Achievements. Developed a series of thriving Home Health Care agencies and prepared the necessary certification and accreditation documents with appropriate staff recruitment, training and performance management tools and quality assurance protocol. Re-organized and centralized the marketing, intake and billing process of the different organizations under one roof and developed strategies for expansion Organized Infection Control Policy and Procedure and trained skilled professionals on how to deal with infections such as MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infections in the home care setting.
II. Clinical Program Director, Carl Vogel Center, 1012, 14th Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005; Ph: 202 638 0750 ext 18, Fax: 202 638.0749; E-mail: programdirector@carlvogelcenter.org
Responsibilities. Lead and manage a team of medical doctors, psychologist, mental health specialist, HIV Specialists, medical nutritional therapists, mental health specialists, case managers an marketing/outreach workers. Develop key result areas, set up primary medical HIV clinic, certificate of need, Medicaid/Medicare eligibility, Clinical policies and procedures, HIV work plan, Continuous Quality Improvement, Medical Record System (MedSoft and Mednotes), Visitrack, HomeSolutions.net, etc. integrated and comprehensive system of care, clinical personnel issues, manage and chair weekly Clinical Management Team Meetings and Multi-Disciplinary Case Conferences, medical billing system and HIPPA compliance.
Achievement. Organized and set up a functioning HIV Primary Medial Care System with appropriate secondary and tertiary referral systems. Developed and submitted Certificate of Need for Primary Medical Care Developed a business proposal for HRSA Capacity Building Grant, developed organizational network for improved governance for board development, MIS and financial accounting system that synchronizes with clinical care protocol, medical records, billing and continuous quality improvement protocol for Primary HIV Care (Prevention, Early Intervention, Therapy and Rehabilitation, etc).
III. Director, Comprehensive Care II, Inc. October 2003+ @ 337 Delafield Place, NW, Washington, DC 20011, Voice: 202 291 2586; Fax: 202 291 3104; e-mail: Globalbelai@yahoo.com
Responsibilities. Direct a team of over 40 professionals including doctors, psychologists, nurses, social workers, case managers, and qualified mental health professionals, residential counselors to provide an individualized care plan that includes habilitation and behavior support plan (ISP, BSP) for over 30 consumers of wide range of age groups and behavioral challenges with a mix of disabilities from mild to profound residing in 6 homes in Washington DC.
Accomplishments. Undertook a comprehensive needs assessment and SWOT analysis that looks at the strength, weakness, and opportunities and threats both at internal and external environments. Developed an extensive five years Human Care Agreement for Residential and Respite Services with appropriate budget and negotiated with the Government of the District of Columbia, DHS/Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities Administration. Directed a team of professionals to ensure a highly organized services that allowed the re-certification of six group homes with appropriate compliment of health and human services for ICFMR facilities. Prepared regular monthly training with an up-to-date training manual to professionals on a holistic approach in improving the safety and well being of consumers with mental health and mental retardation challenges.
III. Director of Strategic Development & Quality Assurance -Human Touch, Inc. May 2002+
4600 King Street, Suite 4R, Alexandria, VA, 22302, Voice: 703 379 2526; Fax: 703 379 5010
à Responsibilities. Responsible for strategic marketing, business development and organization of the marketing and business development of a health and human services agency providing home health care services to vulnerable communities who cannot access primary and secondary care services due to physical limitations.
à Achievements. Undertook a comprehensive needs assessment and proposal development towards improving the internal and external market share of the agency towards establishing a strong presence in the Northern Virginia and Washington DC area. Developed successful proposals and presentations for a Certificate of Need Application and made several contacts that yielded profitable contracts with health providers, insurance agencies such as Aetna, Care First, Blue Cross Blue Shield, MAMSI, Options, National Capital Health Care and other agencies.
Sample Selected Books, Articles, Publications and Presentations
1. Habte-Jesus, Belai et.al: Evaluation of Mother and Child Health Services in Developing and Developed Countries- Evaluating the Global Burden of Childhood Morbidity and Mortality with Perinatal Mortality Studies on work done between 1977-1986, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, Great Britain., September 1986.
2. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et.al: North East Thames Regional Health Authority: Good Practice Policy Guidelines for higher Specialties (Neurology and Neurosciences, Cardiology and Cardio-thoracic Services, East Nose and Throat, Ophthalmology, Oral and Dental Services, Renal Services, Accident and Emergency, Pediatrics and Genetic Services, etc. (Work done between 1988-1993). London, England, United Kingdom, Great Britain.
3. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Presenter at the National Council for International Health 24th Annual Conference: The impact of HIV on future work force- Building Strategic Alliances, Washington, DC. July 1997.
4. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Presenter “Education for 21st Century Development” at African Institute for Education and Development Inc, July 1996
5. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Letter of Advocacy to Bill Clinton, President of the United States regarding US Africa Policy: Re: Pre-empting the Impending Rwanda Genocide: July 1997.
6. Habte-Jesus, Belai: The Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs in Washington DC, May 1996.
7. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et.al. Roll Back Malaria, Lessons learned from USAID Malaria Prevention and Control Program, Academy for Educational Development and USAID, Africa Bureau, March 1997.
8. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Innovative Community AIDS Education for African American Men and Women with a focus on the special needs of women, July 1997.
9. Habte-Jesus, Belai et. al: Health Needs Assessment of African-Born Residents in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area, ECDC, August 1999.
10. Habte-Jesus, et. al: Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children, A collaboration Program of the DC Linkage and Tracking System, Office of Maternal and Child Health Systems Development Initiative and the American Academy of Pediatrics: Accessing a “Primary Health Care Home through Case Management, May 1994.
11. Habte-Jesus, et. al: Parenting Education, prevention and early intervention PVO Child Survival Program, December 1996.
12. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et. al. Cradle to Grave Health Care Reform n the USA: An idea whose time has come. The White House Health Care Reform Task Force, April 1993
13. Habte-Jesus, Belai. A holistic approach in improving the safety and well being of consumers with mental health and mental retardation challenges, September 2004
14. Habte-Jesus, et. al. Capacity Building Initiative for HIV Primary Care Services with a focus on infrastructure development via improved Governance, MIS/Financial System and Continuous Quality Improvement System, April 2005..
15. Habte-Jesus, Belai, “Empowering civil societies series” - Shifting Paradigm of Global Good Governance, the changing role of stakeholders and advocates, Diaspora Dialogue IV, George Washington University Law School, May 2005- Chaired the conference as well as prepared key note address.
16. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et. al; Organizing Global Partnership for Peace, Democracy and Prosperity by Empowering Civil Societies Across the Globe to combat poverty and global terrorism.. July 2005
17. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et. al. Weekly Radio Health Promotion Broadcasts; on 1390 AM: Immune wise living series addressing cradle to grave optimal health issues from spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical health perspective, Began in 1996 and ongoing. Host of “Voice of the Patriots”, Millennial Renaissance Network of Hager-Fikir Multi-Cultural Communications, Inc.
18. Habte-Jesus, Belai, Institutional Challenges of Good Governance, Globalization and Millennium
Development Goals in 21st Century Transitional Economies, the experience of the Horn and
Ethiopia. Ethiopia: Beyond the Current Crisis Symposium at Washington Times Building,
Wednesday, 15:00-16:00 organized by Voice of the Patriots, Voice of Reason, United Press
International, Ambassadors for Peace Program& World Media Association.
Key Sample Positions held over the past 20 years
1. Director -Community of Hope Health Services & Community Medical Care Health Services- 2000+
2. Non Profit Clinic Consortium, www.npcclinics.org,
3. Director of Health Services @ Ethiopian Community Development Council 1999 - 2000
4. Consultant trainer at Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area 1998 - 1999
5. Consultant USAID-Africa Bureau and Academy for Educational Development, 1997 - 1998
6. Senior Public Health Advisor, Clap & Mayne, Inc. 1997 - 1998
7. Executive Director of Professional Network Group, 1511 K Street, NW, Suite 949; 1995 - 1997
8. Consultant with Basics Partnership for Child Survival Health Inc. 1996 - 1997
9. Administrator of Family and Maternal Enhancement of Koba Associates, Inc 1994 - 1995
10. Assistant Director, At-risk Children (0-8) -DC Commission of Public Health 1993 - 1994
11. Lecturer -Master of Public Health Program, George Washington University Hospital, DC 1993 - 1995
12. CEO, Global Research and Development Enterprises, Washington, DC 1993+
13. Manager, Health Services Development, NE Thames Regional Health Authority, UK 1989 -1993
14. Lecturer & Public health manager, St. Mary’s Hospital, SW Thames Regional Health Authority
15. Coordinator, Kent Council on Addiction, South East Thames Regional Health Authority, 1987/88
16. Senior Fellow and Residence at the William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, Kent, England 1986/87
17. Research Fellow at Master of Public Health Program, University of Leeds, UK. 1985 -1986
18. Senior Resident at St Joseph Hospital New Delhi and Christian Medical College, Vellore. 1984 -1985
19. Medical Education and Residency Program, Christian Medical College, Vellore. 1977 -19 84
20. Premedical education and national development campaign, Haile Sellassie University. 1973 - 1977
Selected Awards and Distinctions
1. Haile Sellassie I Gold Medal for Distinction in Ethiopian School Leaving Certificates- 1972
2. Merit Scholarship to undertake Pre-Medical Studies at Haile Sellassie I University- 1973-1976
3. Merit Scholarship to study medicine by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations- 1976-1985
4. Merit Scholarship- Advanced Degree of Public Health for Medical Doctors, University of Leeds 1986
5. Fellow of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1986
6. Fellow of The Royal Society of Public Health, London, England. 1986
7. High Commendations for MPH thesis: Evaluating Global Mother and Child Health Services, 1986
8. Grand Cross of St Mary of Zion Order- Imperial Order of Solomonic Crown without Borders, 2001
9. Grand Cross Lion of Judah Order. Imperial Order of Solomonic Crown Without Border s, 2000+
10. Grand cross of the Imperial Order of Menelik, Order of Solomonic Crown Without Borders 2000+
11. Chancellor of Imperial Solomonic Enterprises& Bitwoded of the Imperial Solomonic Crown Without Borders 2000+
12. Board Member, Immigration and Refugee Services of America, Mental Health Initiatives, 1999
13. Board Member, DC Care Consortium of Providers serving HIV/AIDS populations, 2000+
14. Board Member, Community Medical Care- Non Profit Clinic, DC 2000
15. Advisory Board Member, Ethiopian American Constituency Foundation 2005
16. Ambassador for Peace, Universal Peace Federation, Oct 2005 2005
17. Host of “Voice of the Patriots” A Global Multicultural Broadcasting Corporation 2005
Global Strategic Enterprises 4 Peace & Propsperity
Partners for Peace and Prosperity (PPP)
Globalbelai7 Institutes
Overview of Experience
Public health & Strategic Management Consulting. Dr Habte-Jesus is a public health physician and Strategic Management Consultant with technical expertise in creative leadership development, strategic management, qualitative and quantitative evaluation methodologies with well developed experience of operational leadership development in health and human services, business development, resource generation, marketing & management enterprises.
He has extensive experience in public health communication, clinical medicine, epidemiology, global health, population, nutrition and Infectious diseases, evaluation research, program development, planning, implementation and monitoring.
Dr Belai H Jesus has competent written and spoken communication skills with extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative research, with excellent interpersonal and organizational skills supported with expertise in clinical and epidemiological research, strategic marketing, fund raising, health promotion, teaching and multicultural multimedia hosting & health promotion radio and television programming and broadcasting experience.
Practical leadership and training experience. He has proven track record of leadership supported by highly developed organizational and interpersonal skills and training expertise in the area of good governance, win-win synergistic partnerships, health and human services with policy and program development, epidemiology, evaluation and participatory strategic planning and management expertise in health, education, human resources, youth development, mental health, mental retardation, and tropical medicine and infectious diseases, home health hospice services as well as public health prevention services.
Excellent track record. He is visionary, highly driven, detail and results oriented, self-motivated, team player and highly inspired to solve problems in the short and long term. He has worked as executive officer, director and senior manager with several health and human services in the Metropolitan Washington DC area over the past ten years with similar experiences in Europe, Asia and Africa. Additional areas of expertise include:
à Visionary leadership and participatory management, empowering civil societies
à Good governance and globalization and empowering civil societies.; resource development and management
à Health Sector Reform and Research: Private, Public and HMO, Managed Care, home health and hospice care.
à Strategic Planning, evaluation and sustainable development, policy development and support, extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis, epidemiological research and publication, epidemiology, women’s health, youth development, pediatrics, mother and child health, public speaking, coaching and publications.
à Tropical Medicine & Hygiene and Infectious Diseases Management & Control
à Reproductive health, STI/HIV/PTSD and Child development, health, population and nutrition, prevention and early intervention programs, i.e. TB, Malaria, HIV/STD, etc.
à Quality assurance, evaluation and managing change, Good Practice and Policy and Procedures, Business Plans and Strategies
à Managing Change, Behavioral research, multicultural holistic and integrated health enterprises
à Behavioral Science, mental health and mental retardation services, Regional Minority Health, HIV/AIDS Services
à Grant Reviewer/Evaluator, Multimedia teaching and radio broadcasting, Conference planning/chairing and dissemination of evidence based information.
Skills and expertise. He believes in character, integrity, professionalism, quality, results based management and commitment with win-win synergy for common shared value and leadership.
He has excellent interpersonal and communication skills with qualitative and quantitative research, clinical evaluation, continuous quality improvement and quality assurance expertise, teaching, policy and business development, program management, marketing, strategic planning, visioning, and negotiation skills. Highly developed written and spoken communication skills with competency in Microsoft Office 2003, 2000, Power Point, Excel, Corel WordPerfect 9 Suite, Epi-Info, CDC Wonder, SAS, SPSSX, Harvard Graphics, Multi-media Internet communication and contract development and negotiation skills. Multi-Media Communications skills in vision, voice and data presentation using television, radio and print media: Program development, marketing and production and broadcasting.
He is fluent in English, Amharic, Oromifa languages with working knowledge of French, Arabic, Hindi and Tigrinya.
Research , Awards and Educational Background
Academic Merit Scholarship: Master of Public Health. Master of Public health for medical doctors (1986); International Merit Scholarship with special commendation for research, University of Leeds, School of Public Health, United Kingdom, Great Britain. Concentration in epidemiology, health services research, management sciences population, and nutrition, mother and child health with a focus on international medicine and infectious diseases.
Academic Merit Scholarship: Medical Doctor. (1983) General medicine nad General Surgery training with specialty in public health and child development and survival, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, South India, University of Madras.
Awards: Distinction for Dissertation. “Global Evaluation of Mother and Child Health Services in Developing and Developed Countries with a Retrospective Infant and Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality Studies.” September 1986.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London, England, Great Britain, since 1986.
Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health and Hygiene, London, England, Great Britain, since 1986.
Chancellor, Imperial Solomonic Crown Without Borders, 2000, London, England, Great Britain
Ambassador for Peace, Universal Peace Federation, February, 2005, Seoul, South Korea.
Management, Administration and Technical Assistance Expertise
I. Director of Quality Assurance and Strategic Business Development, Human Touch, Inc
100 N Washington, St, Suite 410, Falls Church, Virginia, 22046; T: 703.531.05340, P: 703.531.0540
Responsibilities. Lead the development and expansion of Home Health Care, Home Hospice and Wellness and Rehabilitation Center in the Metropolitan Washington DC area. Prepare the research material and develop Certificate of Need, Policy and Procedure documents and make negotiations with government Board of Licensing and Certifications. Prepare the institutions for accreditation by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Services, Provide recruitment, training and supervision of staff in establishing the centers. Provide leadership in Quality Assurance by developing qualitative and quantitative tools for measuring performance and results.
Achievements. Developed a series of thriving Home Health Care agencies and prepared the necessary certification and accreditation documents with appropriate staff recruitment, training and performance management tools and quality assurance protocol. Re-organized and centralized the marketing, intake and billing process of the different organizations under one roof and developed strategies for expansion Organized Infection Control Policy and Procedure and trained skilled professionals on how to deal with infections such as MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infections in the home care setting.
II. Clinical Program Director, Carl Vogel Center, 1012, 14th Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005; Ph: 202 638 0750 ext 18, Fax: 202 638.0749; E-mail: programdirector@carlvogelcenter.org
Responsibilities. Lead and manage a team of medical doctors, psychologist, mental health specialist, HIV Specialists, medical nutritional therapists, mental health specialists, case managers an marketing/outreach workers. Develop key result areas, set up primary medical HIV clinic, certificate of need, Medicaid/Medicare eligibility, Clinical policies and procedures, HIV work plan, Continuous Quality Improvement, Medical Record System (MedSoft and Mednotes), Visitrack, HomeSolutions.net, etc. integrated and comprehensive system of care, clinical personnel issues, manage and chair weekly Clinical Management Team Meetings and Multi-Disciplinary Case Conferences, medical billing system and HIPPA compliance.
Achievement. Organized and set up a functioning HIV Primary Medial Care System with appropriate secondary and tertiary referral systems. Developed and submitted Certificate of Need for Primary Medical Care Developed a business proposal for HRSA Capacity Building Grant, developed organizational network for improved governance for board development, MIS and financial accounting system that synchronizes with clinical care protocol, medical records, billing and continuous quality improvement protocol for Primary HIV Care (Prevention, Early Intervention, Therapy and Rehabilitation, etc).
III. Director, Comprehensive Care II, Inc. October 2003+ @ 337 Delafield Place, NW, Washington, DC 20011, Voice: 202 291 2586; Fax: 202 291 3104; e-mail: Globalbelai@yahoo.com
Responsibilities. Direct a team of over 40 professionals including doctors, psychologists, nurses, social workers, case managers, and qualified mental health professionals, residential counselors to provide an individualized care plan that includes habilitation and behavior support plan (ISP, BSP) for over 30 consumers of wide range of age groups and behavioral challenges with a mix of disabilities from mild to profound residing in 6 homes in Washington DC.
Accomplishments. Undertook a comprehensive needs assessment and SWOT analysis that looks at the strength, weakness, and opportunities and threats both at internal and external environments. Developed an extensive five years Human Care Agreement for Residential and Respite Services with appropriate budget and negotiated with the Government of the District of Columbia, DHS/Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities Administration. Directed a team of professionals to ensure a highly organized services that allowed the re-certification of six group homes with appropriate compliment of health and human services for ICFMR facilities. Prepared regular monthly training with an up-to-date training manual to professionals on a holistic approach in improving the safety and well being of consumers with mental health and mental retardation challenges.
III. Director of Strategic Development & Quality Assurance -Human Touch, Inc. May 2002+
4600 King Street, Suite 4R, Alexandria, VA, 22302, Voice: 703 379 2526; Fax: 703 379 5010
à Responsibilities. Responsible for strategic marketing, business development and organization of the marketing and business development of a health and human services agency providing home health care services to vulnerable communities who cannot access primary and secondary care services due to physical limitations.
à Achievements. Undertook a comprehensive needs assessment and proposal development towards improving the internal and external market share of the agency towards establishing a strong presence in the Northern Virginia and Washington DC area. Developed successful proposals and presentations for a Certificate of Need Application and made several contacts that yielded profitable contracts with health providers, insurance agencies such as Aetna, Care First, Blue Cross Blue Shield, MAMSI, Options, National Capital Health Care and other agencies.
Sample Selected Books, Articles, Publications and Presentations
1. Habte-Jesus, Belai et.al: Evaluation of Mother and Child Health Services in Developing and Developed Countries- Evaluating the Global Burden of Childhood Morbidity and Mortality with Perinatal Mortality Studies on work done between 1977-1986, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, Great Britain., September 1986.
2. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et.al: North East Thames Regional Health Authority: Good Practice Policy Guidelines for higher Specialties (Neurology and Neurosciences, Cardiology and Cardio-thoracic Services, East Nose and Throat, Ophthalmology, Oral and Dental Services, Renal Services, Accident and Emergency, Pediatrics and Genetic Services, etc. (Work done between 1988-1993). London, England, United Kingdom, Great Britain.
3. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Presenter at the National Council for International Health 24th Annual Conference: The impact of HIV on future work force- Building Strategic Alliances, Washington, DC. July 1997.
4. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Presenter “Education for 21st Century Development” at African Institute for Education and Development Inc, July 1996
5. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Letter of Advocacy to Bill Clinton, President of the United States regarding US Africa Policy: Re: Pre-empting the Impending Rwanda Genocide: July 1997.
6. Habte-Jesus, Belai: The Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs in Washington DC, May 1996.
7. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et.al. Roll Back Malaria, Lessons learned from USAID Malaria Prevention and Control Program, Academy for Educational Development and USAID, Africa Bureau, March 1997.
8. Habte-Jesus, Belai: Innovative Community AIDS Education for African American Men and Women with a focus on the special needs of women, July 1997.
9. Habte-Jesus, Belai et. al: Health Needs Assessment of African-Born Residents in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area, ECDC, August 1999.
10. Habte-Jesus, et. al: Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children, A collaboration Program of the DC Linkage and Tracking System, Office of Maternal and Child Health Systems Development Initiative and the American Academy of Pediatrics: Accessing a “Primary Health Care Home through Case Management, May 1994.
11. Habte-Jesus, et. al: Parenting Education, prevention and early intervention PVO Child Survival Program, December 1996.
12. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et. al. Cradle to Grave Health Care Reform n the USA: An idea whose time has come. The White House Health Care Reform Task Force, April 1993
13. Habte-Jesus, Belai. A holistic approach in improving the safety and well being of consumers with mental health and mental retardation challenges, September 2004
14. Habte-Jesus, et. al. Capacity Building Initiative for HIV Primary Care Services with a focus on infrastructure development via improved Governance, MIS/Financial System and Continuous Quality Improvement System, April 2005..
15. Habte-Jesus, Belai, “Empowering civil societies series” - Shifting Paradigm of Global Good Governance, the changing role of stakeholders and advocates, Diaspora Dialogue IV, George Washington University Law School, May 2005- Chaired the conference as well as prepared key note address.
16. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et. al; Organizing Global Partnership for Peace, Democracy and Prosperity by Empowering Civil Societies Across the Globe to combat poverty and global terrorism.. July 2005
17. Habte-Jesus, Belai, et. al. Weekly Radio Health Promotion Broadcasts; on 1390 AM: Immune wise living series addressing cradle to grave optimal health issues from spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical health perspective, Began in 1996 and ongoing. Host of “Voice of the Patriots”, Millennial Renaissance Network of Hager-Fikir Multi-Cultural Communications, Inc.
18. Habte-Jesus, Belai, Institutional Challenges of Good Governance, Globalization and Millennium
Development Goals in 21st Century Transitional Economies, the experience of the Horn and
Ethiopia. Ethiopia: Beyond the Current Crisis Symposium at Washington Times Building,
Wednesday, 15:00-16:00 organized by Voice of the Patriots, Voice of Reason, United Press
International, Ambassadors for Peace Program& World Media Association.
Key Sample Positions held over the past 20 years
1. Director -Community of Hope Health Services & Community Medical Care Health Services- 2000+
2. Non Profit Clinic Consortium, www.npcclinics.org,
3. Director of Health Services @ Ethiopian Community Development Council 1999 - 2000
4. Consultant trainer at Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area 1998 - 1999
5. Consultant USAID-Africa Bureau and Academy for Educational Development, 1997 - 1998
6. Senior Public Health Advisor, Clap & Mayne, Inc. 1997 - 1998
7. Executive Director of Professional Network Group, 1511 K Street, NW, Suite 949; 1995 - 1997
8. Consultant with Basics Partnership for Child Survival Health Inc. 1996 - 1997
9. Administrator of Family and Maternal Enhancement of Koba Associates, Inc 1994 - 1995
10. Assistant Director, At-risk Children (0-8) -DC Commission of Public Health 1993 - 1994
11. Lecturer -Master of Public Health Program, George Washington University Hospital, DC 1993 - 1995
12. CEO, Global Research and Development Enterprises, Washington, DC 1993+
13. Manager, Health Services Development, NE Thames Regional Health Authority, UK 1989 -1993
14. Lecturer & Public health manager, St. Mary’s Hospital, SW Thames Regional Health Authority
15. Coordinator, Kent Council on Addiction, South East Thames Regional Health Authority, 1987/88
16. Senior Fellow and Residence at the William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, Kent, England 1986/87
17. Research Fellow at Master of Public Health Program, University of Leeds, UK. 1985 -1986
18. Senior Resident at St Joseph Hospital New Delhi and Christian Medical College, Vellore. 1984 -1985
19. Medical Education and Residency Program, Christian Medical College, Vellore. 1977 -19 84
20. Premedical education and national development campaign, Haile Sellassie University. 1973 - 1977
Selected Awards and Distinctions
1. Haile Sellassie I Gold Medal for Distinction in Ethiopian School Leaving Certificates- 1972
2. Merit Scholarship to undertake Pre-Medical Studies at Haile Sellassie I University- 1973-1976
3. Merit Scholarship to study medicine by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations- 1976-1985
4. Merit Scholarship- Advanced Degree of Public Health for Medical Doctors, University of Leeds 1986
5. Fellow of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1986
6. Fellow of The Royal Society of Public Health, London, England. 1986
7. High Commendations for MPH thesis: Evaluating Global Mother and Child Health Services, 1986
8. Grand Cross of St Mary of Zion Order- Imperial Order of Solomonic Crown without Borders, 2001
9. Grand Cross Lion of Judah Order. Imperial Order of Solomonic Crown Without Border s, 2000+
10. Grand cross of the Imperial Order of Menelik, Order of Solomonic Crown Without Borders 2000+
11. Chancellor of Imperial Solomonic Enterprises& Bitwoded of the Imperial Solomonic Crown Without Borders 2000+
12. Board Member, Immigration and Refugee Services of America, Mental Health Initiatives, 1999
13. Board Member, DC Care Consortium of Providers serving HIV/AIDS populations, 2000+
14. Board Member, Community Medical Care- Non Profit Clinic, DC 2000
15. Advisory Board Member, Ethiopian American Constituency Foundation 2005
16. Ambassador for Peace, Universal Peace Federation, Oct 2005 2005
17. Host of “Voice of the Patriots” A Global Multicultural Broadcasting Corporation 2005
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